divendres, 16 de març del 2012

Welcome, before you start reading this section

You've just entered to Brainstorming! Here you can find some activities to improve your English.

We challenge you to overcome all the activities!

First, you will watch the movies in class during the lessons. Once you finished each movie you will do the activities that we have prepared for you.

Information for teachers:

The activities of this web site are presented as models of exercises that the student must take in a notebook. This website aims to teach students to develop their knowledge of English through four Disney films : Ratatouille, Beauty and the beast, Toy Story and The Jungle Book. The activities are based in these films because not only is it important to learn the theory but also it is very important to hear the language.

Brainstorming gives you four sections. Each contains a vocabulary and grammar related to the film.
Also, below this introduction, you can find "Extra material", a page that offers to the students some other activities to test their level of English. Consists of harder exercices to encourage children to apply their own mechanisms to address these challenges. 
Finally, there's a sixth part that contains the corrections that will be used exclusively for teachers.

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